— Since 2002 —
LL Pittenger Farm

Nestled in Green Township, NJ just five minutes off exit 19 on Interstate 80, the 200 acre LL Pittenger Farms allows Lou Tommaso and Lori Pittenger the ability to produce and market natural meat products , a variety of quality hay and non GMO corn and soybeans. The land is devoted to providing pasture for the animals and crop production.
All of the animals are humanely raised and are on a strict vegetarian diet. Hormones, Antibiotics or Steroids are never fed to our animals! We strive to keep the meat as natural as possible. The animals' diet and environment is a vital part of producing quality, healthy and flavorful meat. All of our animals have plenty of pasture, fresh water and shelter available 24/7.
The Berkshire Pigs and Young Berkshire Boars are fed a combination of soybeans and corn, as well as hay and some greens.
The Beef Cattle are on pasture year round, and are supplemented with corn silage and hay. The small amount of grain they get from the corn silage helps to increase marbling in the meat.
The Lambs are pastured and supplemented with soybeans, oats, corn and hay.
Our Chickens and Turkeys are out on pasture, raised in chicken tractors for their protection. Their diet is supplemented with fresh ground corn, soybeans and minerals.
Eggs are from our Pastured, Free Range. Red Hens. They are fed a combination of soybeans and corn, Minerals and Oyster Shells as well as alfalfa hay and some greens.
We grow the majority of our own feed and patronize other local farms for additional feed products.
All of the meats are minimally processed, available in individual cuts, USDA inspected, vacuum-packed and frozen for direct retail sales.
LL Pittenger Farm is in production year-round and there is a constant, fresh supply of meat available. Customers can shop at the farm store which is open most days.
Please call ahead to check our schedule: 917-992-6113 (C)